Tag Archives: runway couple from Jharkhand

Small Town Blues: A Runway Couple

It is amazing how quickly humans can create stories.


“Did you see the woman with the …….”

and the stories start to unfold… in multiple


Listen to the same story from another person, and you will get another original piece that is free of any plagiarism.

It literally blows my mind every time.

Sadly, most of the stories are just heard and told

and remains in the air as rumors or lies.


when we, the writers actually settle down to write, we run out of words.

And when we do write something, the amount of plagiarism goes above what Google allows.


Today I have a story. An original short story based on the very real events in my small town in Jharkhand.

So, a while back, something happened in my small town that made my usually unhappening town interesting.

You see, people in small towns don’t live as leisurely as folks in villages or as hastily as those in cities. They get bored with their peculiar pace and begin to forward WhatsApp messages, watch the primetime debates with dinner, and manifest an interest in other families.

It is not their fault that they become nosy, No!

It is the situation that makes them this way.

A boy in my town ran away with a girl for love. The boy was 19-20 and as for the girl, her age fluctuates based on her own assertions and those of her parents.

And the town suddenly came into a fast pace.

WhatsApp forwards stopped.

Primetime debates were replaced by discussions on the street.

Suddenly everyone knew the boy and the girl. They had all predicted this to happen.

Getting back to the story. Reports were filed against the boy. And the ever-so-attentive police immediately came into action. There was something about this case that moved every policeman at the station.

The couple on the run was caught in a matter of days. As you can guess, lawfully, the girl was forced into a marriage and the boy was sent to jail.

Law depends on one’s interpretation, I guess.

While all of this was going on, I found the citizens to be enthusiastically sharing the news with everyone they knew.

Many versions of the stories were told. And the passion, the dedication, the chapters, it was all created on the spot.

Dickens would have fled to cover his face, I tell you, such was the quality of the artistry.

As the story of the runaway couple continued to spread throughout the small town, it became clear that the events had not only captured the attention of the citizens, but also the entire region.

I was willing to know, how far will this go. But soon, people moved on from the topic.

Not that something new happened. New rarely happens in a small town. But I guess they had exhausted all the material and it started to feel like a Hindi daily soap with predicted plot lines.

Last I heard, the boy was released after a few months. He works as a mechanic at a local garage. And that’s about it.

WhatsApp forwards started again. Primetime debates with dinner resumed.

And, the town and people continued with their lives as if nothing happened.