Monthly Archives: July 2015

A green tribute

l was lying on my bed. all the lights are down. room is filled with cozy silence. I turned around and kissed goodnight on forehead of my 11 month old boy. suddenly my heart is heavy. who will he get inspiration from? wo will teach to dream big?

whose words and acts will motivate us to do something big?
Today evening my whatsapp beaped, ”former presedent Dr. APJ Abdul Kalaam is no more, RIP”. It was shocking.
he cannot…..
Is this a fake message? please let this be a fake message. please God.

but sadly,
It is true. Unable to sleep, I cant stop thinking about it.
all we puny human can do is give him a hearty tribute.
I request everyone to PLANT A TREE… in the memory of Kalaam. I think he’ll be happy if we give him a green tribute.
Kalaam did not die. Kalaam can not die. he lives with us, in our heart forever and evr.